For a few weeks, this project, consisting of colleagues from national and international universities, aims to work together to solve a current and important challenge for the sustainability of the oceans 


The ULisses project, of the Lisbon University, will have its 1st edition already this second semester, based on the educational concepts applied in the INSPIRED project. 

For 3 weeks, these students will join an international multidisciplinary team to present solutions that contribute to the current challenge of the sustainability of the oceans. These weeks of teamwork will be preceded by a preparatory phase (via e-learning), which will be compatible with the classes of the second semester and will last 10 weeks. 


Important dates: 

  • 11 January 2021 - start of the application period. 
  • 15 February 2021 - end of application period. 
  • 22 March 2021 - start of the ULisses project. 

Would you like to know more about the project and to participate? Stay tuned!  


Sign up here!! 

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